MCU Characters who can defeat Thanos

A list of MCU characters who can defeat Thanos in the upcoming Endgame movie.

Spoiler Warning: Contains plot points from Avengers: Infinity War and other MCU films.

With most of the cast dead after the third instalment of Avengers, there are only a few characters

  • This list only includes characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe so Marvel characters like Dark Phoenix and Silver Surfer won’t be included.
  • This list also includes only those characters that are alive after the Infinity Wars so characters like Odin and Ultron won’t be on the list unless there’s a realistic way for them to resurrect before Thanos’ defeat.
  • Marvel characters that have yet to appear in the MCU will also not be included.


From Endgame trailer.

He’s currently the only known MCU character able to go toe to toe against the Mad Titan even inflicting a major injury upon him with Storm Breaker. Thor might take Thanos’ advice the next time they meet and aim for the head.

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel
From Endgame trailer.

From speed, strength, flight, laser powers, this pilot has everything and will probably reveal more powers in the sequels. She’s currently one of the few characters who can go toe to toe against Thanos.


From Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

Remember the giant fire demon that destroyed Asgard? He’s probably still around, floating in space or chilling out at the ashes of Asgard.

Ant-Man/Scott Lang


You probably have an idea of how this will go; if you don’t just Google it.


From Endgame Trailer.

It’s not clear if Nebula made the attempt on Thanos’ life before or after he got the Power Stone but according to Thanos she nearly succeeded and she must have done a good job because Thanos was pissed enough to dismantle and torture the alien cyborg. Now that Thanos has all the stones Nebula’s vengeance seems far, but with possible upgrades to her robotic parts from Tony Stark or a Thanos slaying weapon from Eitri the Dwarf King who made Mjolnir and Storm Breaker she may yet have her revenge. Or like the comics, she might steal the Power Gauntlet and win the day.


From Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

There’s a good chance that Thor’s big sister survived Ragnarok since we didn’t see her die onscreen, it was only implied that Surtur killed her along with Asgard. If she survived she would be one of the few characters stronger than Thor. Though, she might get nerfed since her powers depended on Asgard.

Hulk/Bruce Banners

Hulk/Bruce Banners
From Endgame trailer.

The big green guy seems to be sulking in Bruce’s mind after the thorough thrashing he got from Thanos but it’s only a matter of time before Hulk gets mad and starts smashing Thanos. It’ll most probably involve the Black Widow getting smacked around by Thanos; remember, Hulk’s strength is proportional to his rage.


From Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Trailer.

Thanos used Gamora’s soul to obtain the Soul Stone. When Thanos snapped his fingers he met Gamora as a child in the Soul Realm. Gamora might still be alive in the Soul Stone and might be able to manipulate the Infinity Gauntlet into defeating Thanos. If not that, she might be able to revive a hero that can defeat Thanos like Odin, Celestial Star-Lord or Dr Strange. After all, as Red Skull said, “The Soul Stone has a special place among the Infinity Stones.”

Tony Stark/Iron Man

Tony Stark
From Infinity War Trailer

As unlikely as it is, Tony seems to have a special role set for him in Thanos’ eventual demise. He has a link with Thanos which goes both ways and Dr Strange went through the trouble of trading the Time Stone for Tony’s life. That is after making it clear that between saving Tony, Peter Parker and the stone Strange would choose the stone. The only future Dr Strange saw where they defeat Thanos involved the Stark of MCU for sure.

As for how? I’m guessing a new suit made of either vibranium from Wakanda with inputs from Shuri or one made by Eitri using Dwarven tech. Tony might return the favour and give him mechanical arms.

The Original Avengers

Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy
From Endgame Trailer.

This will most likely end the way it started, with the original Avengers assembling and ganging up on the Mad Titan.

So who do you think will defeat Thanos?

Top 10 MCU Lines

Or at least as of 2018 till Ant Man And The Wasp.

With Phase 3 almost at its end, it’s about time we celebrated some of the best lines the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to offer. You might disagree with some but will agree with most of these:

# 10

tony stark, iron man, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Iron Man (Screenshot from Youtube)

Who can forget this one from Iron Man? Especially since MCU started with this movie. Keeping secret identities was like the protocol of all superheroes, but of course, Tony and rules are like oil and water.

# 9

hulk, bruce banner, marvel, mcu, avengers, best, top, line
Avengers (Screenshot from Youtube)

Yikes! Even Natasha Romanov broke a sweat and who can blame her considering that the ‘other guy’ loves smashing. But still, this line from Avengers is one of the most menacing. Bruce sure knows how to threaten people.

# 8

spiderma, homecoming, spidey, peter parker, iron man, tony stark, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Spiderman: Homecoming (Screenshot from Youtube)

In this line from Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tony tells Peter that it’s not the suit that makes him Spiderman and if he can’t use his powers responsibly he doesn’t deserve to have them.

# 7

t'challa, black panther, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Black Panther (Screenshot from Youtube)

Black Panther was full of epic lines, this one stands out for its sheer badassery as T’Challa challenges N’Jadaka for round 2 after being thrown off a cliff and waking up from a coma.

Also check out the review on Black Panther.

# 6

guardians of the galaxy, gotg, vol 2, 2, yondu, star lord, peter quill, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Screenshot from Youtube)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 changed how audience saw Yondu and this line best summarizes his character development. It was the saddest and the most epic moment of the movie.

# 5

captain america, civil war, steve rogers, tony stark, iron man, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Captain America: Civil War (Screenshot from Youtube)

One of the most tragic moments of Captain America: Civil War and the MCU as a whole, this marked the end of team Avengers and a very old friendship between Steve and Tony… and reduced bros around the world to tears.

# 4

thor, ragnarok, odin, god of hammers, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Thor: Ragnarok (Screenshot from Youtube)

Odin’s pep-talk to Thor in Thor: Ragnarok was both hilarious and inspiring. As Thor spent a good amount of the film whining about his broken hammer and how he can’t defeat Hela without it, Odin reminds Thor what he is the deity of.

# 3

erik, killmonger, mcu, marvel, black panther, n'jadaka, best, top, line
Black Panther (Screenshot from Youtube)

Erik Killmonger/N’Jadaka’s last words to T’Challa in the Black Panther sums up everything that he and his father fought for, everything that Wakanda turned a blind eye to, and pays homage to his ancestors.

Check out Why is Erik Killmonger so hyped?

# 2

spiderman, peter parker, death, spidey, iron man, tony stark, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Avengers: Infinity War (Screenshot from Youtube)

Watching Spiderman beg Tony to save him was the most painful part of Avengers Infinity War, because what can be sadder than watching one of your childhood heroes die so helplessly? Especially in the arms of another hero who was like a father to him.

Also check out the review on Avengers: Infinity War.

# 1

tony stark, iron man, avengers, marvel, mcu, best, top, line
Avengers (Screenshot from Youtube)

Even after years, this line remains my personal favourite. There’s something foreboding about this threat/promise Tony made against Loki back in Avengers. I can’t help but think that Tony will fulfill this promise against Thanos the next time they meet.

Do you agree with this list? Which MCU lines did you love? Which line did I miss? Comment below.


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